Would you consider a convenient care clinic as a treatment option for you or your family?
About Us
The Convenient Care industry began in 2000, when the first CCCs appeared in Minneapolis-St. Paul, operated by QuickMedx. These first health clinics initially saw a very limited number of illnesses and accepted only cash for services. When QuickMedx was acquired by a major pharmacy retailer in 2005, it marked the beginning of several similar acquisitions by major retailers and healthcare systems. Today there are over a dozen companies across the country that have formed to provide health care services, to individuals and families, for the treatment of common illnesses. The clinics have progressed to forming contracts with health insurance companies, while also accepting cash payments for a visit.
To date, there are more than 2,000 CCCs throughout the United States. CCA Members' clinics are located in convenient locations such as drugstores, food stores and other retail settings. Our clinics make it easier and more convenient for patients to get the right level of care, in the right place, at the right time.