NOVEMBER 7, 2013 | MEDSCAPE: Retail Clinics as a Threat Falling Short of Physician Fears
The growth of retail clinics, feared by many physicians as competitors, has slowed down lately after tearing up the charts.
OCTOBER 23, 2013 | STARNEWS ONLINE: Drop-in retail clinics a growing trend in medical care
The recent opening of a Wilmington drugstore's drop-in clinic is part of a growing trend where consumers seek more access to and perhaps cheaper prices for basic health care services at the retail level, experts say.
OCTOBER 21, 2013 | BOSTON HERALD: Editorial: One cure for high costs
Because Tom Menino didn’t believe retailers like CVS should be allowed to profit from the sick (notwithstanding the chain’s marketing of everything from plush toys to People magazine) he has single-handedly kept their convenient care clinics out of “his” city.
OCTOBER 20, 2013 | THE STATE: Once a rarity, walk-in health care now common in Midlands
When Doctors Care opened its first office in Columbia in 1981, it was decades ahead of its time. The company likes to say it was “disruptive” of the long-standing medical delivery model.
OCTOBER 17, 2013 | DOTMED DAILY NEWS: Convenience clinic boom casts a wider net
Retail clinics have grown tremendously since they started cropping up in chain drug stores like CVS and Walgreens back in the early aughts. There are roughly 1,400 retail clinics nationwide and that number is expected to grow to 2,800 by 2015, according to the consulting firm Accenture.
OCTOBER 9, 2013 | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: Telehealth: The Ultimate in Convenience Care
Dr. Teresa Myers, a family practice physician in Copley, Ohio, describes what she can see on her computer screen during a telehealth conference. "You know what HD television looks like. You can actually see the pimples on the actors' faces," she says. "I had a patient who was able to shine her iPhone flashlight to the back of her throat. I could see the exudates [pus-like fluid]. If you see that, you can be pretty sure." A few more questions, as well as having the patient take her temperature and feel and describe her lymph nodes, and Myers felt confident diagnosing strep throat and prescribing an antibiotic.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 | FAMILY PRACTICE NEWS: Retail clinics seeking stronger partnerships with physicians
Two of the nation’s biggest retail pharmacy chains have begun to embrace physicians as partners with their in-store clinics and, in the process, position themselves as integral parts of accountable care organizations and patient-centered medical homes.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 | DARK DAILY: Retail Clinics Are Poised to Offer More Health Services, Participate in ACOS, and Offer Expanded Menu of Clinical Pathology Laboratory Tests
Retail clinics are positioning themselves to play a major role in the delivery of basic primary care services. Consumer and payer acceptance of the “convenience care” model has brought the concept to a tipping point in its potential to shift the way that some basic primary care—and medical laboratory testing—services are delivered.
AUGUST 29, 2013 | FORBES: Unprecedented Demand For Family Docs, Nurse Practitioners As Obamacare Emerges
The family physician is the most highly recruited doctor as the Affordable Care Act and trends in medical economics move more health care service to less expensive outpatient settings, according to a national doctor recruitment firm.
JULY 6, 2013 | FORBES: As Obamacare Rolls Out, Retail Clinics Are Booming Again
Retail clinics are booming again with the Affordable Care Act slated to offer coverage for uninsured individuals on exchanges this fall.