MAY 20, 2013 | HOSPITALS & HEALTH NETWORKS: Retail Clinics: Friend? Foe? Something In Between?
The Minute and Take Care clinics of the world are becoming a growing force in the health care industry. Just how will they reshape the business? Should hospitals be viewing them as a friend, foe or something else in between?
MAY 20, 2013 | KALORAMA INFORMATION: Retail Clinics Appeal To High-Income Users: Kalorama Information Survey
Retail clinics, that is, clinics located in retail outlets such as drug stores, Targets and Walmarts, are likely to be visited by high-income patients, even a tad more than low-income patients, according to a new Kalorama Information report. The healthcare market research publisher has been covering retail clinics for six years and conducted a survey of US adults to determine retail clinic use and satisfaction. According to “Retail Clinics: Consumer Attitudes Results of the 2013 Kalorama Survey”, just 16% of retail clinic users were from a household under 25,000.
MAY 7, 2013 | EXAMINER: Retail Health Facilities, A New Way to Get Sports and Camp Physicals
It is a Sunday morning and your child has been up all night, coughing, sneezing, and maybe even with a fever.
APRIL 14, 2013 | THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: When a Retail Clinic Will Suffice
Can't shake a cold or need a camp physical for your child? One option is to visit a clinic nestled in your local pharmacy. Such clinics are spreading and might be priced at a discount to your local doctor's office.
APRIL 5, 2013 | THE REPORTER: Walgreens Clinics Expand Care
Walgreen Co. has stretched the reach of its drugstore clinics beyond ankle sprains and sinus infections to handling chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure.
APRIL 4, 2013 | THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: Walgreen clinics expand care into chronic illness
Walgreen Co. has stretched the reach of its drugstore clinics beyond treating ankle sprains and sinus infections to handling chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure.
The company, based in Deerfield, Ill., said Thursday that most of its 370 in-store Take Care Clinics now will diagnose, treat and monitor patients with some chronic conditions that are typically handled by doctors.
APRIL 4, 2013 | BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK: Walgreen Clinics Add Care of Chronic Illnesses to Boost Sales
Walgreen Co. (WAG), the largest U.S. drugstore chain, is expanding into treatment of diabetes, asthma and other chronic illnesses to lure new customers including millions gaining insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
APRIL 4, 2013 | KAISER HEALTH NEWS: Walgreens Becomes 1st Retail Chain To Diagnose, Treat Chronic Conditions
It’s not just sore throats and flu shots anymore. Walgreens today became the first retail store chain to expand its health care services to include diagnosing and treating patients for chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and high cholesterol.
MARCH 23, 2013 | MODERN HEALTHCARE: Redesigning Healthcare
Healthcare innovation doesn't happen overnight, or even within three years.
MARCH 28, 2013 | DETROIT FREE PRESS: Drugstore Clinics: A Rapidly Growing Option for Sick People
Lois Gridley wasn't feeling well. She had just taken her 10-year-old son to the pediatrician and he had strep throat. She worried she might have it, too.