JULY 1, 2013 | AMERICAN MEDICAL NEWS: Boom Predicted for Retail Clinics After Years-long Lull
The number of retail clinics will grow by more than 100% by the end of 2015, according to a report by Accenture. It says that unlike the last growth spurt, retail clinics won't try to compete with doctors — they'll help them manage a growing patient load.
JUNE 28, 2013 | MODERN HEALTHCARE: Walgreen, CVS Expand Further into Retail Health with Clinics
JUNE 27, 2013 | CALIFORNIA HEALTHLINE: Retail Clinic Growth Sparks New Partnership in San Diego
With millions of newly insured patients expected to tax an already short supply of primary care physicians, retail clinics may play a significant role in California's new health care landscape, according to health care experts.
JUNE 24, 2013 | MEDCITY: Indiana City Prepares for the Newly Insured with More Walk-in Clinics
CVS Caremark Corp. has opened up its first Fort Wayne MinuteClinic at 6279 E. State Blvd., but it won't be the last.
Two more MinuteClinics will open at Fort Wayne CVS stores before the end of the year, confirmed Brent Burkhardt, spokesman for the clinic group, which is 650 strong at present. Another MinuteClinic is slated to open by July 1 at the Leo-Cedarville CVS. Warsaw also has a new MinuteClinic.
JUNE 19, 2013 | GUANPND.COM: Poll Shows More People Going to Walk-in Clinics
The popularity of "walk-in" medical clinics located in pharmacies, superstores and workplaces nationwide is increasing rapidly, according to poll by Harris Interactive/HealthDay.
JUNE 18, 2013 | HEALTH LEADERS MEDIA: PwC: Pace of Rising Medical Costs Slowing
Lower-cost healthcare options such as retail clinics and a decline in hospital readmissions are holding the projected increase in medical costs to 6.5%, a full percentage point lower than the 2013 projected rate, says PwC's Medical Cost Trend report.
JUNE 18, 2013 | MSNBC: Health Care Costs Really Are Coming Under Control
No one expects health care costs to decline anytime soon, but the rate of medical inflation has fallen sharply over the past few years, and partisans have competing explanations. Is health care reform making care more efficient and affordable, or has health care spending dipped just because of the recession?
JUNE 12, 2013 | ACCENTURE: Retail Medical Clinics: From Foe to Friend?
Why Retail Clinic counts will double in three years and save $800 million dollars per year.
JUNE 8, 2013 | TEH COLUMBUS DISPATCH: Pharmacy Clinics Fill Need, Draw Concerns
When Akim Reid needed a physical for his job, he couldn’t turn to his regular doctor — he doesn’t have one. The Loxahatchee, Fla., resident called around for someone to do the exam. Everyone he called could see him — next month. • So he went online for a clinic that could take him on short notice. He found one — his local pharmacy.
MAY 22, 2013 | CHICAGO TRIBUNE: More Americans Using Retail Health Clinics
As wait times to see a doctor for simple problems like sinusitis and urinary tract infection lengthen, more and more Americans are turning to retail health clinics--walk-in medical facilities located in pharmacies, grocery stores, and retailers such as Walmart and Target. The number of visits to such clinics quadrupled from 1.48 million in 2007 to 5.97 million in 2009, according to a study published in the journal Health Affairs, and topped 10 million last year.